Who are we?
We are a collection of 20-and-30 somethings from various churches in the South Jersey area who gather regularly to study the Word, host events, and worship. Whether you are in college, or married and well into your career, we want to connect with you!
SJYA has helped me meet new people and spend time with other young adults my age, allowing me to develop an environment of friends and family I should be spending my time with.
I met my wife Leah through an SJYA gathering at The Atlantis roof top fire in OC 5 years ago this October.
I’ve been able to meet people who earnestly love God, and honestly love people.
Moving back home after college, my biggest question was “Where am I going to find friends?” After leaving such a tight community, I wasn’t sure how I would be able to connect with people in a new environment. SJYA was a huge answer to prayer! I was able to meet so many local believers and form friendships through all the awesome events and activities they had planned. Now I can’t imagine what my life would be like without this group!
A community that is life-giving & given me lifelong friendships that are hungry for God, desiring His Word!
God has used SJYA to bring lifelong friends into my life that will constantly point me back to Him.
Impacted me seeing how passionate you are about pro-life!
Upcoming Events
The Heart of God
Isaiah 40:11 “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; He gently leads those that have young.” We often think of the heart, as it refers to our emotions and thoughts, as belonging solely to human beings. But God has a heart too.